Feb 3
PokerTube Facebook Hits 300,000 Likes & 20M Weekly Reach
180Vita is delighted to announce outstanding progress in our internal social media department. The PokerTube Facebook page has grown to become the World's largest reaching poker page on Facebook, consistently yielding a Worldwide reach of over 20 Million people per week.
Key Audience Statistics:
- 20M+ Weekly Reach
- 40,000+ Weekly Comments
- 85,000+ Weekly 'Shares'
- 7.5M+ Weekly Post Clicks
- 24M+ Monthly Video Views
180Vita has now established plans to partner with some of the World's leading poker companies and live events as they look to utilise the distribution potential of the page.
Recent commercial partners include; Unibet Open, Titan Poker, InterTops, TonyBet Poker and Juicy Stakes Poker.